The Lab

Alongside our factory manufacture plant at BELT LLC, there is a lab responsible for factory manufacture control, examining the mechanical and physical properties of concrete reinforcing steel, according to demands. Regulations about technical and other demands concerning concrete reinforcing steel and others are: SRPS EN 10080:2008. The good lab work practice handling is done according to demands by a standard: SRPS ISO/IEC 17025:2017.

Our lab does examining based on methods which are prescribed by SRPS EN 10080:2018 and those are:

SRPS EN ISO 15630-1:2019 Concrete reinforcing steel and concrete prestressing steel – Methods of testing – Part 1: Reinforcing bars, rolled wire and pulled wire
SRPS EN ISO 15630-2:2019 Concrete reinforcing steel and concrete prestressing steel – Methods of testing – Part 2: Welded mesh and lattice girders 
SRPS EN ISO 6892-1:2020 Metal Materials – Examination by Pulling – Part 1: Examination method at room temperature
SRPS EN ISO 7438-1:2020 Metal Materials – Examination by Bending

Our team is made up of experts who hold multiple years of experience in the lab examination department. Our contemporary lab equipment guarantees reliable results. This is ensured continuously because our lab participates in competence examination schemes organised both by local and international providers. (Compalab – France, KOMIM-Serbia)

Our examinations are all done by equipment named Tenisl Tester 200 manufactured by Nictronix Kraljevo Serbia.