
Integrated Management System Policy

The top management (HQ) of BELT LLC makes this document to determine the mission, vision and goals of the company’s business, as well as the strategies needed to achieve them. This document establishes the integrated management system policy to secure the conditions necessary for products, and that is for them to: fulfil stated and unstated realistic buyer’s demands according to current standards, laws and other policies. This refers to important, identified aspects of quality management, environment protection and important risks to human health and safety. It also establishes that the products are made in an environment which fulfils all necessary demands made by quality management, environment protection and workplace health and safety.

The mission of BELT LLC is the manufacturing and providing services with the goal of supplying the iron market with products both made with ribbed iron and steel as well as mesh and others. These services include wholesale trade and retail trade, both in the country of Serbia and abroad, fulfilling the buyer’s clear and expected demands as well as valid policies.

Our company established the integrated management system policy according to standards: ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 i 45001:2018. because we wanted to keep developing and improving our products’ and services’ quality, we also wanted to understand the needs of our buyers and all interested parties, as well as become a trusted partner.

BELT LLC shows commitment to fulfil the demands and keep improving the integrated management system policy according to its valid standards. This is to be done by:

Improving quality of products and services
Continuous meeting of the buyers’ and users needs 
Expansion on the market through building a larger network of distribution as well as establishing a long and strong relationship with business partners, suppliers and other interested parties
Continuous improvement of our processes and the integrated management system
Improvement to work conditions and internal resources
Everyday education of employees and their professional and organisational development
Following laws, regulations standard and contract obligations
Controlled making and disposing of waste, which is inevitably created through the process of manufacturing lattice girders, mesh and other activities in the plant.
Following laws concerning environment protection as well as workplace health and safety
Providing workers with safe and healthy workplace conditions, eliminating and lessening the OHSAS risks, as well as dedication to worker integration and consultation 

All interested parties and employees are familiar with the integrated management system policy and its implementation is ensured by the top management of the company (the company HQ). 

With a thorough and regular consideration of this policy by the company HQ, it is ensured that it is being implemented properly, as well as for it to become a part of our conscience in the workplace, a kind of work obligation and corporate culture of our employees. All of this, with the goal of continuous maintenance and improvement of the quality assurance system.

This creates an environment for BELT LLC to remain the leader in business.

Kraljevo, 03.01.2020.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             CEO

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Tomislav Beloica